The first Protestant Cemetery in Tehran was started in 1890 in the area of Akbarabad just south of Teheran. Because at that time nearly all Protestant Christians were foreigners the cemetery was set up under a committee of ambassadors from predominantly Protestant countries. As the city grew the cemetery became part of the city area and in the 1960s the authorities were concerned about the location because of public health reasons.
The new site for the present cemetery was provided and equipped by the municipality of Tehran to replace the old protestant cemetery at Akbarabad and was consecrated on the first of July 1970.
Until the Iranian revolution the administration was done by American Presbyterian clergy. In 1995 the ambassadors asked the German Speaking Evangelical Congregation being the last international Protestant church in Teheran to take over this duty.
As the number of burials has decreased sharply together with the number of foreigners living in Teheran the cemetery does not have sufficient income on it's own from burial fees. The upkeep relies on contributions from the embassies of the International Committee together with donations from wellwishers.
Below is a simple map of how the gravestones are located: